
2023-05-09   来源:英语作文











Under the light, a piece of Qingtian stone was shining brightly. The round seal script, black brown lines, and colorful ropes seemed to be shining brightly.

Recently, I have been fascinated by seal cutting. The blue stones and a carving knife seem to inherit classical culture, the rice paper and a little vermilion seem to flow with the beauty of seal cutting, and every stroke seems to be sealed with ancient charm.

I took a Qingtian stone, a seal cutting knife, and spread a piece of rice paper to immerse myself in the charm of seal cutting. With one hand pressing on the bluestone, and the other holding a small knife. The tip of the knife lightly scratched the stone surface, causing a shallow white mark and splashing of stone foam. Originally, seal cutting was not as difficult as I imagined, and I seemed to have some small pride. Next, a similar field shape is engraved. In a moment, Tian Yiheng was carved into it, but at that small bend, the force was too strong, and the pen tip flew out, leaving a deep grinding mark on the stone surface, making the beautiful and smooth stone a bit ugly.

I felt a little lost, casually taking polishing paper and smoothing the stone surface, but it didn"t erase my disappointment.

Gripping the knife again, engrossed in carving, and soon arrived at the corner again. Gently rotate the blue stone, causing the blade to stroke along with it. The whole world seems to be quiet, except for the blade inserted into the stone, and the stone foam bounced out with a gentle sound. The tip of the knife gradually brought me closer to the corner, and everything seemed to be smooth. Suddenly, the blade flew out again and plunged deeply into the stone. I suddenly felt a bit at a loss, and then I was irritable and spewing out. Why is it so difficult to carve stones!

Somehow, I saw the finished product at the corner of the table. Under the light, the Qingtian stone was shining quietly. The round small seal script, black and brown threads, and colorful ropes all shine brightly. Suddenly, I seemed to see the person who was carving the stone, patiently and calmly carving the stone, so calm and not impatient. I seemed to understand something and picked up the knife again

I held up the stone I had carved, and the light fell, coating the stone with a layer of golden light. Qingshi seemed to have come to life, and I heard its heartbeat. The words, hearts, and meanings of carving are all so similar - patience.

Originally, there is a spirit, a patience, a success, called - don"t rush, take your time.







My mother is of medium height, not fat or thin, with fair skin, a long head of shiny black hair, a pair of sparkling eyes as bright as black gemstones, and a deep dimple on her face when she smiles. People who know her say she is a virtuous and patient person.

Indeed, my mother is a very patient person. My eyes are congenital amblyopia. When I was three years old, my mother took me to an ophthalmic hospital in Guangzhou for treatment. The doctor said that amblyopia treatment should take place over a long period of time, with one hour of amblyopia training in the morning and evening, and a follow-up check every two to three months. In order not to travel back and forth between home and the hospital, my mother saved money and bought me a treatment device. She trains with the device at home every day. Every time I do amblyopia training, my mother patiently accompanies me and urges me to do it seriously. However, over time, doing the same thing every day makes me feel very irritable, thinking of being lazy and sometimes getting angry, crying, and finding various reasons to evade, At this point, my mother would patiently say to me, "Baby, let"s stick to it again, it will be okay after a while, and we won"t have to do it then!" My mother said a lot of good things to coax me and encourage me to finish the training.

Sometimes when we have to go on a long journey, my mother also needs to bring the treatment device with her, hoping that my eyes will recover quickly. In order to kill boredom, my mother also bought many storybooks. Every time I do amblyopia training, my mother will tell me a story, either about my mother"s childhood, or sing to me

In this way, we persisted in the treatment of amblyopia for almost three years, and our efforts did not disappoint those who were willing to, and finally we cured the amblyopia. Thanks to my mother"s patient companionship, I persevered.

My mother is such a patient person. I want to say to her, Mom, thank you for your patience and companionship. You have worked hard and I love you!




  耐心,能成就过程之美。 “不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小溪,无以成江海。骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。”聚沙成塔,汇小流成江河,一切的根源,都在于耐心地积累。也正是这样的耐心,才有了千里外的远方,才有了江海的浩瀚无垠。就像丑小鸭蜕变成白天鹅、毛毛虫蜕变成花蝴蝶一样,都需要一个漫长而难熬的过程。如果没有耐心,半途而废,就会像《小猫钓鱼》里那三心二意的小猫一样,半条鱼都钓不着,两手空空。



Waiting for a flower to bloom requires patience; Waiting for a tree to bear fruit requires patience. Similarly, a person"s success also requires patience.

Patience can achieve the beauty of faith. The philosopher said, "Whoever loses patience loses his soul." After King Goujian of Yue was captured, he was called around like a servant in the state of Wu. However, the patience of ten years of hardships gave him a firm belief that he would never give up. In the end, he defeated the state of Wu and ended his humiliation. Leading horses, driving cars, chopping firewood, sweeping the floor, in the heavy and humble work, honing one"s own temperament, cultivating one"s patience, holding onto the hidden beliefs in the heart, patiently waiting for the opportunity. In the end, hard work never fails, creating a magnificent triumphal song of three thousand Yue Jia but swallowing Wu. It is patience that gives him the belief that he will never give up, leading him towards success, and regaining the great river and mountain that originally belonged to him.

Patience can achieve the beauty of the process. Without accumulating a few steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles; without accumulating a small stream, one cannot become a river or a sea. With a leap of a steed, one cannot take ten steps; with a ten horse ride, one cannot give up. "Gathering sand makes a tower, and gathering small streams makes a river. The root of all lies in patiently accumulating. It is precisely this patience that has given rise to the distance of thousands of miles and the vastness of rivers and seas. Just like an ugly duckling transforming into a white swan or a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, it takes a long and arduous process. If you don"t have patience and give up halfway, you will be like the half hearted kitten in "Little Cat Fishing", unable to catch half a fish and empty-handed.

Patience can achieve the beauty of success. Patience is the "passport" to success. On the journey of life, where is there a smooth sailing? There are always setbacks and sometimes thorns. Without patience, one cannot persist until the end and taste the sweetness of success. After being imprisoned, Sima Qian did not complain about the world or people, but instead sank his heart and immersed himself in an isolated environment. He wrote with great speed and patiently completed the "Records of the Historian", which Lu Xun called "the masterpiece of the historian and the absence of rhyme". It was his patience that honed his will to endure loneliness in life and achieved his success.

Patience is a form of cultivation, in which there are results and rewards; There is discovery and experience in patience; Patience contains quality and character. Let us remain patient, wait for the flowers to bloom, wait for the results, and wait for the brilliance of life to bloom!


林丹,一个人们十分熟悉的名字,中国羽毛球的领军人物,大满贯的获得者。他在奥运会上的超凡表现真令人叫绝,陶菲克、李宗伟、陈龙等羽毛球名将都是他的手下败将。不过,与其说林丹是凭着高超的技艺打败了对手,不如说他是凭着耐心地等待打败了对手。在2012年8月5日晚的羽毛球男子单打总决赛上,林丹对阵李宗伟。这场比赛,双反都打得很有耐心,任何一个微小的失误都会被无限地放大。在决胜局,林丹在比分落后的情况下,沉着冷静,最后以超强的耐心等待反败为胜。从这里可以看出,耐心是成为一名羽毛球顶尖高手不可缺少的的素质。当身处逆境时,当对手越打越狠时,能够耐心地跟他打下去,抓住最后的机会,奋力一搏,可能一举取胜,成就辉煌。    耐心,是一个人必须具有的基本素质。如果一个人缺少了耐心,就如同大海中迷失了方向的船只,找不到成功登陆的彼岸;如果缺少了耐心,就如同迷途的孩子,找不到回家的路。    正如美国的贝弗里奇所言:“每一点滴的进展都是缓慢而艰巨的,一个人一次只能着手解决一项有限的目标。”是啊,什么事情一蹴而就的,而是需要一个循序渐进的过程。一个人只有脚踏实地地,一步一个脚印,才能搭起一座通往成功的桥梁。而没有耐心的人只想马到成功,一蹴而就,而最终往往一事无成。    “不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。”只有一点一滴地积累、等待,才能获得成功。就像丑小鸭蜕变成白天鹅,毛毛虫蜕变成花蝴蝶一样,都需要一个漫长而难熬的过程。如果没有耐心,往往会半途而废,像《小猫钓鱼》里那三心二意的小猫一样,一条鱼都都钓不着。    人生道路上,是满布艰难、坎坷的。遇到困难时,不能知难而退,而是要迎难而进,不屈不挠,想尽一切办法去扫除障碍,克服困难。而做到这些的首要条件就是一定要具备耐心。否则,幸运之神不会降临到你的身上。如果你没有耐心去等待成功的到来,那么,你只好用悔恨去面对失败。只有具有耐心、具有自强不息精神的人,才能像愚公一样挖走困难这座山,才能开通一条通向成功的道路。    耐心,不可忽视,它是人成就事业必须具有的素质,拥有它,你就会拥有百战不挠的毅力;拥有它,你就会拥有比没有耐心的人多得多的机遇,获得更多的成就,拥有更多的辉煌。正如英国大哲学家培根所言:“无论何人,若是失去耐心,就是失去灵魂。”人,怎么能失去耐心这一灵魂呢?要想成就事业的人,更不能失去耐心这一灵魂!

Lin Dan, a very familiar name, is a leading figure in Chinese badminton and a Grand Slam winner. His extraordinary performance in the Olympic Games is really amazing. Tawfik, Lee Chong Wei, Chen Long and other famous badminton players are all defeated by him. However, rather than relying on his superb skills to defeat his opponents, Lin Dan waited patiently to defeat them. On the evening of August 5, 2012, Lin Dan played against Lee Chong Wei in the men"s singles final of badminton. In this game, both backhand players were very patient, and any small mistake would be infinitely amplified. In the decisive game, Lin Dan remained calm and composed despite falling behind in the score, and finally waited with great patience to turn the tables and win. From this, it can be seen that patience is an indispensable quality for becoming a top badminton player. When in adversity, when the opponent is getting harder and harder, be able to patiently fight with him, seize the last opportunity, and strive hard, which may lead to victory and glory in one fell swoop.

Patience is a fundamental quality that a person must possess. If a person lacks patience, it is like a ship lost in its direction in the sea, unable to find a successful landing on the other shore; If you lack patience, you are like a lost child, unable to find the way home.

As Beveridge of the United States once said, "Every bit of progress is slow and arduous, and one can only tackle one limited goal at a time." Yes, what can be achieved overnight, but requires a gradual process. Only by putting one"s feet on the ground and taking each step can one build a bridge to success. People without patience only want to achieve success overnight, and often end up achieving nothing.

Without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles; without accumulating small streams, one cannot become a river or a sea. Only by accumulating and waiting bit by bit can one achieve success. Just like an ugly duckling transforming into a white swan or a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, it takes a long and arduous process. If you don"t have patience, you often give up halfway, like the half hearted kitten in "Little Cat Fishing", you can"t catch a single fish.

The path of life is full of difficulties and bumps. When encountering difficulties, one should not retreat from them, but rather face them and move forward, persevering, and doing everything possible to remove obstacles and overcome them. The primary condition for achieving these is to have patience. Otherwise, the god of luck will not come to you. If you don"t have the patience to wait for success, then you have to face failure with regret. Only those who have patience and the spirit of self-improvement can dig up the mountain of difficulties like Yu Gong and open up a path to success.

Patience cannot be ignored, it is a necessary quality for people to achieve their careers. With it, you will have the perseverance to persevere in countless battles; With it, you will have much more opportunities, achievements, and glory than those who lack patience. As British philosopher Bacon once said, "Whoever loses patience loses their soul." How can a person lose the soul of patience? Those who want to achieve their careers cannot lose the soul of patience!







This morning, as soon as I woke up, my mother assigned me a simple task with only three words: stick the carpet.

I first took out the transparent adhesive, followed my mother"s example, and tore the tape off its body, about twenty centimeters out. Then, I rolled the tape onto the transparent adhesive and fixed the excess part. Finally, take out the scissors and a garbage bag, and the preparation work is completed!

I arrived at the workplace and realized that this job was not easy. The carpet was covered in waste paper, small stones smaller than the keyhole, and various types of fur and thread. I first threw the waste paper into the garbage bag, then brought the transparent glue, rolled left and right on the carpet, pushed up and down, and I stuck it all over in all directions, resulting in a noticeable decrease in garbage. After a while, no garbage could stick up anymore. They seemed to say, "Hehe, you can"t stick me anymore, you"re not smart at all." I asked my mother standing by for help with my eyes, and she pointed to the transparent glue and smiled without saying a word. I immediately understood and quickly raised my scissors with a "click" sound, cutting off the transparent tape in one go. But what fell was not the adhesive tape full of garbage, but the entire transparent adhesive! Fortunately, I had quick eyesight and quickly grabbed the transparent glue that was falling down, which saved him from "dying". By the time I replaced the transparent tape, it had been over twenty minutes.

I continued to repeat the previous action, sticking the carpet, changing the tape, and then sticking the carpet, changing the tape... I was meticulous and did not make any mistakes. So, I repeated it once, twice, three times, four times... it wasn"t until the ninth time that I finished all the work.

After doing household chores this time, I deeply feel it and understand that it is so difficult to do housework. Every time I do housework, I am fighting with patience!





People often lose patience and do nothing else because they don"t have a good habit. We all encounter many things in life, just like trees, flowers, and grass, countless. Perhaps you may feel happy about it, or you may feel annoyed, but it"s not important. The important thing is that as long as we encounter it, we should persevere and strive to complete it until the end. Although persistence may not necessarily lead to gains, failure to persevere can lead to no gains. Your efforts are directly proportional to the outcome. There is no such thing as pie falling from the sky, and there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Everything requires your own efforts to succeed. Don"t always lose patience just because you are tired of a boring life, and just give up halfway. You should think about what your character is and what your goals are, People have thoughts, are independent and can change the environment. No one will restrain you, only you can restrain yourself. I believe everyone has heard the saying that the stage is as big as the heart.

This sentence is not an illusion, but is very in line with our reality. Human behavior is related to their own thoughts. Everything in a normal person is controlled by their own brain, and they will not do things arbitrarily. If your thoughts are advanced enough and your brain is developed enough, then your behavior will not be ordinary or boring. We need to keep the brain innovating, searching and exploring. Humans are the most advanced creatures to date, so we should not follow the wave race, Instead, one should seek their own goals and strive for them.

Patience is not something that can be achieved in just a few words. Patience requires a person"s willpower. It depends on whether you value this task and how confident you are in your heart that you can accomplish it. If you just use your lips, the hope of success is very small. It is said that as long as one works hard, an iron rod can be ground into a needle. With enough patience and perseverance in everything, there will always be gains. The path to success may be bumpy, but it is also full of fun. As long as you learn to observe and listen attentively, your patience will be developed unconsciously. Three days of learning is superficial, and three years of learning is Kung Fu. Therefore, you need to find your own path to move forward. Learn to persist, and cultivate patience; Learn patience and succeed.















关于耐心的英语作文 如何做到有耐心的英语作文




















